2SlGBtQ+ Training


2SLGBTQ Resources

Counselling 2SLGBTQ

1. Working therapeutically with LGBTI clients: a practice wisdom resource

2. Competencies for counselling LGBTTQQIA and trans individuals. The counselling resources including 6 languages: Chinese, English, French, Japanese, Korean, Romanian and Turkish.

3. American Psychological Association: 6 webinars on counselling LGBTQ clients

4. Guidelines for Psychological Practice with Transgender and Gender Nonconforming People

Books on clinical care for 2SLGBTQ

Eckstrand,K.L., Ehrenfeld,J.M. (2016) Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Healthcare. A Clinical Guide to Preventative, Primary, and Specialist Care. Springer. Switzerland.
The Health of LGB &T People. Building a Foundation for Better Understanding. (2011). Institute of Medicine. The National Academies Press. Washington. US

For a list of recommended reading books on 2SLGBTQ written by 2SLGBTQ authors including racialized LGBTQ authors, please send an email to ndevan@primus.ca

Thank you.

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